Of the modalities in the vast Traditional Chinese Medical repertoire,
acupuncture is probably the most well known. It consists of inserting
thin needles into specific points on the body's network of meridians to
regulate the flow of Qi (energy).
Acupuncture can be used to treat a wide variety of disorders, including
but not limited to:
- Overall Wellness
- Common Colds
- Mental-Emotional Disorders:Stress, Depression, Anxiety
- Weight Loss
- Addiction
- Headaches and Migraines
- Musculoskeletal disorders: lower back pain, sciatica, frozen shoulder,
tenns elbows, structural disorders, TMJ, thoracic outlet syndrome
- Neurological disorders: carpal tunnel syndrome, facial paralysis,
neuritis, fibromyalgia, other types of pain
- Gynecological disorders: painful menstruation, amenoria, infertility, PMS,
peri-menopausal symptoms
- Respiratory disorders: asthma, bronchitis
- Circulatory disorders: heart disease, hypertension, cold hands and feet
- Recovery from Stroke
- Sports Injury/Traumatic Injury
- Digestive problems: poor digestion, gastritis, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, colitis
- Much more!